Was hero, was champions, Elite: the point on the news of FIFA 22 Ultimate Team - News - Gamekul

Beginners Guide to Teaming Up With Randoms || Part 12 || The Division 1.8.3 You had enough to sacrifice whole game weekends to chain the games of was Champions? It seems that FIFA 22 developers have heard you, given the novelties scheduled this year in this must-see mode that has become FIFA Ultimate Team. Because additions are not limited to cards were hero, far from it. You even detail the most important below.

We will not return to the preponderant place that Ultimate Team occupies in the FIFA ecosystem, some tables are sufficient to clarify the situation. On the other hand, we can remember that the formula was champions and 30 weekend games could sometimes alienate the players who hoped to tutoy the elite. It is obviously to them the new Design set up for the famous Rival division, a mode that will soon beat the rhythm of the seasons like any good game service, with a clearer progression system at the level of rewards, and more transparent at the level of games to play. What's more, the Division 1 rank will no longer be the Holy Grail for the best players, with the creation of an Elite division for a more competitive environment. Another promise: reduce requirements in terms of the number of weekly games to deliver, while offering new ways to scratch rewards based on your level.

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The presentation of the interface will report on these changes with the appearance of ranks, which reflect your progression within a division and release better weekly rewards, the display of steps, which act as individual bearings between the Ranks, and finally kinds of checkpoints who prevent losing the accumulated progression and guarantee to stay at the level of skill who is his. Naturally, the result of each match will determine your progress, each victory making you advance a step on the frieze, each defeat makes you back back, at least until the last step inchi (the famous checkpoint). A Draw will keep you at your current position. Winning two consecutive games as a result will initiate a series of victories, symbolized on the screen by a small flame, which will make it possible to progress faster on the ladder. All players will start from Division 10, which means that investment matches are no longer part in the Rivals Division mode. Finally, the number of victories necessary to recover the weekly rewards will be clearly indicated.

As said above, an Elite division will be introduced for the first time in FIFA 22, with an assessment system based on the skill similar to that of was 21, a data that will be taken into account for the MatchMaking in the same way as the location. This is where the 200 top global players will be listed. Those who have joined this Earchamber's antechamber will stay there until the end of the current season, and will only play with other Elite players. It should be noted that the seasons should spread over 6 weeks on average, with guaranteed rewards regardless of whether you win or not, simply by chaining the games in rivals. Note that at the end of the period, all players will have downgraded from a division.

The structure of was Champions was also reviewed to be more accessible, with fewer games to play the week to win the qualification. Developers explain to adopt a system based on points rather than victories, to ensure a semblance of progress even in case of defeat. Once the number of points required reached, players will automatically switch to the play-offs phase, which can be started as soon as they feel ready.

Always open during each season, this preliminary phase consists of chaining 5 games, and to accumulate enough points to qualify for the final phase, which will always be held on weekends. The token obtained in case of successful playoffs can be used on the weekend that you want, and not necessarily the following one. The goal also aims to reduce the number of games required and rebalance rewards - in the finals, it is the ranking that will determine your additional rewards. If you complete all your games in the final, you can also get your rewards instantly. If there are still games to play, these will be awarded at the end of the competition.

It will be possible to change the cameras on the celebrations to focus only on the reaction of his team, and not on the provocations of the opponent.

For amateurs of was in cooperation, an option introduced last year, FIFA 22 will no longer require a friend under hand to play in 2v2. An MatchMaking Public will be set up, with the presence of a new friendly mode to meet potential partners on FE. From there, players will have access to a new team selection screen with a pre-established formation list - the players will not use their team was in this mode, but will be able to "game" with players who opted for the same start team. A good way also to test new cards was without the need for the Packer. In the event that the MatchMaking would not be able to associate, the game will launch at the worst a match in 2V1.

New Year requires, the interface will continue to update to facilitate access to team challenges and reduce access to certain menu items, with multiple tabs accessible on L1 / LB R1 / RB. The designers have maintained the shortcut to the team part by keeping the stick / the cross down, but the _shortcutte towards the customization of the stage placed on the top has been removed. Note that the wins / dummy / defeats ratio no longer appears on the upper part of the screen, no doubt to avoid discouraging beginners, but the information will always remain accessible. In the same vein, it will be possible to change the cameras on the celebrations to focus only on the reaction of his team, and not on the provocations of the opponent, even if it will have to do this to change the Default settings. Always on the interface side, the cards will in principle compare more easily the players between them.

Obviously, the personalization of the stadiums will gain in options, with the possibility of customizing VIP spaces in the stadium, but also some public locations for TIFOS. New filters will also be integrated into the customization object search tool, such as primary / secondary colors or content type.

As for the famous cards were Heroes, which allow you to highlight players of the past without necessarily being of power gold balloons, EA Sports has delivered some additional info. It is learned that the affinities of the players were heroes will be a little managed differently than those of icon players, since a player who enlightened first League will benefit from a green link with any other current player or past the English championship. Conversely, if he finds himself in the company of Ligue 1 players, it is a red link that will materialize between him and his partners, unless the nearby players share the same nationality. In short, something to consider a new season serenely, once the game is available. FIFA 22 is always listed for next October 1st, on consoles and PCs.


FIFA 22 - Official Trailer FIFA ULTIMATE TEAM (FUT)

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