FIFA 22 devastates its premiere as the best-selling game in Spain, and quite a difference

Most Sold Video Game Units In A Year #Shorts

Each new delivery of the saga is a success in sales in our country, and FIFA 22 was not going to be less. The EA Sports game has been cast one more year among the best sold in the month of its premiere, completely dominating the market. According to data published by Vandal, FIFA 22 has sold a total of 122,800 units in Spain only in the week of its launch , from September 27 to October 3, and if we add all the platforms. The aforementioned half segments sales by consoles, where more than 86,000 units have been sold in its version for PS4, almost 20,000 ps5 and something more than 11,000 in Nintendo Switch : Something meritor considering that it is the legacy edition . Regarding the other systems, for Xbox One have sold 3,700 units, 700 for Xbox Series and about 1,000 in PC . If we add everything we have the more than 122,000 copies of the EA SPORTS game after the initial beep of its launch: some figures that will grow pretty with the months.
